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Presentazione del libro Kuusamon taika

Presentazione del libro Kuusamon taika

Martedì, 23 maggio 2017, alle ore 18.00 – 19.30

Biblioteca di Rikhardinkatu, Rikhardinkatu 3, “Kirjallinen salonki”, III piano

Presentazione di Fabrizio Carbone (in inglese) e dell’Ambasciatore Mikko Pyhälä (in finlandese)

Saluto di Leo Stranius, Direttore della The Finnish Nature League

Evento organizzato dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Finlandia in collaborazione con Ars et Natura, Pandion Edizioni, Wild’Art, The Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, The Finnish Nature League.

Dalla prefazione: 


Ars et Natura wildlife artists have accomplished a unique wildlife art book The Magic of Kuusamo. Publishing the masterpiece in the centenary year of Finland’s independence is a tribute to the nature of Kuusamo and the whole of Finland. The book has a special significance for Kuusamo, even called the Capital of Nature Photography and adjacent to the popular national parks of Oulanka and Riisitunturi as well as the Hossa National Park opened in 2017.

The Magic of Kuusamo speaks for the diversity of Kuusamo’s wildlife thus continuing the strong heritage of nature conservation pioneered by Reino Rinne, a deceased author and nature activist in Koillismaa. The landscape and biodiversity make Kuusamo’s wildlife incomparable. Kuusamo is located in the highlands with an average elevation of 250 metres above sea level; the highest peaks, like Valtavaara and Ruka, reaching the altitude of nearly 500 metres. The climate is continental with winter temperatures as low as – 40 degrees Centigrade and summer temperatures rising over +30 degrees. The winter lasts long and is rich in snow. The scenery is characterized by evergreen forests dominated by spruces, rivers flowing in deep valleys and gorges, numerous lakes and large mires. Many eastern and western species, as well as southern and northern species meet in Kuusamo.
Calcifers like lady’s slippers and calypso bulbosas flourish in the region. This is the homestead of the bear, wolf, wolverine, lynx, moose, golden eagle, great grey owl, black woodpecker, capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, willow grouse – and many more.

The Magic of Kuusamo is an important milestone in the continuum of depicting Kuusamo’s wildlife. Our national artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela was painting the original scenery and people of Paanajärvi in summer 1892. In those days photographer I.K.Inha was capturing the landscapes of Kuusamo for a national imagery. Lahja Koivunen, a Kuusamo-born painter and graphic artist, is renowned for her paintings of Kuusamo scenery for several decades since the 1930s. The internationally best-known Finnish nature photographer Hannu Hautala has lived and worked in Kuusamo since the late 1970s capturing the northern taiga forest and its species. Kuusamo Town, Kuusamo College, the Summer University of Northern-Ostrobothnia and the Hannu Hautala Foundation all strive for promoting Kuusamo nature and its depicting by means of photography and visual arts. Hannu Hautala Nature Photo Centre provides exhibitions, whereas Kuusamo College and the Summer University organize education in nature photographing.

Together with the Ruka-Kuusamo Tourist Association we have had the pleasure of supporting this great artistic book project by the Ars et Natura group. Anne Sjöberg and Marjatta Hinkkala have offered valuable language assistance by translating and editing the texts. We would like to express our most sincere gratitude for this fantastic masterpiece to the Ars et Natura artists and to Fabrizio Carbone, the father of this project and lover of the northern wildlife.

Fil.dr h.c. Hannu Hautala, Nature Photographer, Hannu Hautala Foundation
Erkki Hämäläinen, Director of Education and Culture, Kuusamo Town
Irene Myllylä, Principal of Summer University of Northern-Ostrobothnia
Kari Kantola, Principal of Kuusamo College